Call for umpires
Coquitlam Little League (CLL) is getting ready for the 2025 Regular season, and we are calling for new or returning baseball players aged 11 years and up to be part of the third team on the field. You can umpire games that suit your schedule and make some extra money.
Umpire hoodies can be purchased through our e-store. Click here to access the store and pre-order your hoodie now.
Umpiring clinics (mandatory)
All New and Returning Umpires MUST attend one of the following umpiring clinics to be eligible to umpire at CLL
Umpiring clinic #1 - for new umpires
Location: Blue Mountain Cage
Date: Saturday February 1st, 2025
Time: 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Registration not required
umpiring clinic #2 - for new umpires
Location: Blue Mountain Park
Date: Saturday March 29th, 2025
Time: 3:00pm to 5:00pm
CLICK HERE to register
umpiring clinic #3 - FOR RETURNING UMPIRES
Location: Blue Mountain Park
Date: Sunday March 30th, 2025
Time: 10:30am to 12:30pm
CLICK HERE to register
umpiring clinic #4 - FOR RETURNING UMPIRES
Location: Blue Mountain Park
Date: Tuesday April 1st, 2025
Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
CLICK HERE to register
Registration is NOT required. Check back here for updated information as the other locations are finalized.
For further information, please contact Sergio Bertani, CLL Umpire in Chief at: sergio@coquitlamlittleleague.ca
Little league umpire registry
We encourage all new and returning umpires to sign up for the Little League Umpire Registry. It provides access to the latest on-line training and education materials from Little League University. It's free to sign up.
As an exclusive benefit to Umpire Registry members, a series of candid bi-weekly online discussions known as "Touching Base" are already rolling. Presented virtually via Zoom, Touching Base is hosted by Tom Rawlings, Little League International Director of Umpire Development, and features live conversations that will bring reality, perspective, and philosophy to the activity of umpiring in Little League.
To access these topics, you first need to visit LittleLeagueUmpire.org and become a member of the Umpire Registry.
Become an umpire
Umpiring is a great way for all ages to be involved with the game! There is a lot of flexibility and you even get paid. No experience is necessary. Stick with it, develop your skills and who knows, maybe you can end up umping a Canadian championship or even a World Series like our own Scott Barden, Mike Yamada and others!
For more information, please contact the CLL Umpire-In-Chief, Sergio Bertani sergio@coquitlamlittleleague.ca