
Click here to register for Winter Clinics

2025 Registration Information

Coquitlam Little League has a tradition of being one of the best Little League programs in Canada and we want you to join us!

Families who are looking for financial support are encouraged to contact Kidsport TriCities or Jump Start.

Players interested in playing on the Timberjacks should register for the Junior Division. After evaluations, selected players will have to pay the additional registration fee to participate in the Timberjacks program.

Click here to register for Spring 2025

See below to view the 2025 Little League Age Chart to determine your child's age. 

 2025 Divisions & Fees
DivisionRegistration Fee

Blastball (4-5)


Mini-Minor (5-6)


Rookie (7-8)


Minor (9-10)


Majors (11-12)*


Intermediate/Junior (13-15)*

$500.00*(Timberjacks, plus team fees)


*Additional team Fees may be charged for tournaments
To give the League enough time to create balanced teams and ensure a quality experience including scheduling, uniforms and equipment, players who register before evaluations in February (April 1st for Blastball and Mini Minor, because there are no evaluations for these divisions) will be guaranteed a roster spot and we will try to honour team requests. From evaluations onwards, no team requests will be honoured and registration will depend on available spots. If teams are full, your child may not be able to play. 8 year old and older players who register after evaluation dates or do not attend evaluations will be placed in the lowest division or tier for their age by default. Uniforms must be returned at the end of the season - failure to do so will result in a charge per item not returned. 
*$25 processing fee will be charged for all registration withdrawals - Any questions, please review the full refund policy found here

Coquitlam Little League Refund Policy

Please click here to view the CLL Refund Policy. 


Coquitlam Boundaries
Western Boundary: Starts in the North in the Indian Arm's east cost and travels South to include all of Belcarra and Anmore areas. Through to the coast at just north of Sperling Ave and Hastings Street (as if Sperling carried through to the water). Follows south along Sperling Ave to Lougheed Hwy. Follows Lougheed west to Gaglardi Way. Then south on Gaglardi Way to Hwy 99. Follows Hwy 99 east to Brunette Creek to the Fraser River. Then Follows Brunette Creek to the Fraser River.
Southern Boundary: From the Brunette Creek and the Fraser River (eastside). Follows the rivers edge east to Lougheed Hwy and 287th (Maple Ridge).
Eastern Boundary:Follows 287th North to Stave Falls
Northern Boundary:At Stave Falls follows Hydro Eves West to Salmon Arm just north or Buntzen Lake




Division General Information

Blastball (4-5 yr olds)

The youngest division within Little League is reserved for our 4 and 5 year old superstars who are picking up a baseball for the first time. Returning five year olds have the option of registering in the Blastball or Mini-Minor Division.  Our Blastball program has been developed by a hired early years expert with a focus on a fun, active first exposure to organized sports, and follows Baseball Canada's Long Term Athlete Development Model. Our Blastballers play exclusively at Mackin Field on Wednesday evenings, starting mid April.

Mini-Minor (5-6 Year Olds)

Mini-Minor is the 2nd step in your baseball career… the level that everyone remembers as pitching machine! Players continue to build on their baseball fundamentals with the extra challenge of hitting a moving ball. Defensive skills also come into focus in Mini Minor, as fielders pick up their gloves for the first time and learn to throw and catch like the big guys on TV! Coaches remain on the field throughout the game, taking advantage of key learning opportunities and to provide extra encouragement to everyone! The Mini-Minor division plays at Hartley Field in Mountain View Park. Practice and game nights both start at 6pm.

Rookie (7-8 Year Olds)

12 player teams play real games, keeping track of runs and outs. The  emphasis remains on skill development, players learn more of the rules and tactics of the game, and continue to develop their sense of SPORTSMANSHIP and FAIR PLAY in a fun but slightly more competitive setting. We will introduce basic pitching mechanics in practice later in the season, but Slingers will continue to be used in games. Equal play of infield/outfield and rolling over the batting order will ensure that all kids get a comparable number of at bats and innings in the field. All games will be in Coquitlam against other Rookie division teams. Typically Rookie teams will have 2 games (one on each day of the weekend) and 1 practice per week (practice day and time selected by the head coach)

Rookie is also where parents take on even more important roles, scorekeeping, field prep and cleanup, slinger operator, umpire, and best of all, dugout parent, are vital roles on your child's team. 

Minor - (9-10 Year Olds)

The minor division will be made up of 3 tiers. This was a decision our board came to, using our Guiding Principles, in order to accommodate the increasing registration we have at this age. By having the 3 tiers within a division, it will allow more opportunities for each player to be developed at their respective skill level. 

Minor AAA - 

In the Minor AAA tier, players will continue to develop their skills they have learned in the years prior. This tier will be all pitching, allowing players that have previously pitched to improve throughout the season. Stealing will be allowed in this tier. Fair play will be in effect in all minor tiers, with equal play of infield/outfield and rolling over the batting order to ensure that all kids get a comparable number of at bats and innings in the field. All games will be in Coquitlam at Mackin Park, against other Minor AAA tier teams.

Minor AA - 

In the Minor AA tier, players will continue to develop their skills they have learned in the years prior.. Teams will start the season with 2 innings of pitching, and then move to the pitching machine for the remainder of the game. This tier is designed to give all players in it the opportunity to learn to pitch and have success against kids at a similar skill level. Stealing will also be gradually introduced (during the live pitching innings only) at this level. Equal play of infield/outfield and rolling over the batting order will ensure that all kids get a comparable number of at bats and innings in the field. All games will be in Coquitlam at Mackin Park against other Minor AA tier teams. 

Minor A - 

In the Minor A tier, players will focus on skill development and a better understanding of baseball. Players and coaches will use the Rookie experience as a foundation to become better baseball players and better athletes. The season will start with the pitching machine (slinger) and pitching will be taught and introduced into games as the season progresses.  Equal play of infield/outfield and rolling over the batting order will ensure that all kids get a comparable number of at bats and innings in the field. All games will be in Coquitlam at Mackin Park against other Minor A tier teams.

Major B (11-12 Year Olds) 

Previous called Major AA, the Major B  division will be made up of similar caliber players. The season will start with pitching and stealing. Practices and games will be more balanced to allow players the opportunity to test what they have practiced with more in game experiences. The batting order will roll over each game to ensure that all players get a comparable number of at bats. Mandatory play in the infield and outfield will also give every player comparable innings in the field. In a typical season, 30% of the games will be outside of Coquitlam against other Little Leagues. 

Major A (11-12 Year Olds)

Previously called Major AAA, the Major A division will face competition from around the Lower Mainland. Players will begin to narrow their focus on a few positions where the majority of their in-game time will be. Unlike Major B, the batting order is reset every game based on coach's decision and at bat performance. There is mandatory play at the Major A level but it does not have to be comparable innings in the infield/outfield and there is no guarantee that players will pitch or catch in games. 

JUNIOR DIVISION (13-15 Year Olds)

This year, we will have two programs. Our house program and the Timberjacks program.
The house program will consist of three teams that will play most of their games against CLL teams in Coquitlam and will also play a few games around Metro Vancouver against other Little League programs.

The Timberjacks program is a tryout based program with the top players being selected. The program will be made up of two teams that will play similar caliber teams around Metro Vancouver as well as play in 2-3 tournaments. 
If you are not interested in playing on the Timberjacks program, then you do not need to attend these practices. 

SENIOR DIVISION (14-16 yr olds)

The 14-16 year olds play together during the regular season. The regular season begins on April 2nd and runs for 12 weeks. All weekday games/practices begin at 8pm at Blue Mountain Park and end at approximately 10:30pm. Games and Practices vary from week to week but include weeknights and weekends. Games and tournament locations vary from year to year but include Langley, New Westminster, Whalley, North Vancouver, and Vancouver Island.  In order to be eligible for the post season team, selected players must live or go to school within the League boundaries and have played at least 60% of the Regular Season league games.


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