Minor AA

Minor Division Rules



Revised January 2023





  1. Home Team: sets up the field (bases, lines, etc.), and provides scorekeeper. 
  2. Visiting Team: rakes field at end of game and stores equipment.



2.1 Players: athletic supports (Jock or Jill), and helmets are mandatory for all practices and games. Rubber cleats are recommended (NO metal cleats are allowed)


2.2 Coaches and Manager are encouraged to wear long pants but can wear shorts (no cut-offs - jean or otherwise are allowed). Matching Hats and T-shirts will be provided by CLL to Managers/Coaching Staff (3 shirts per team), and are mandatory to be worn at all games. Per Little League International rules, coaches are prohibited from wearing baseball pants.  




3.1 All games will be umpired by Parents & Coaches; home plate umpire to be a volunteer parent, 1st & 3rd base coaches to call the bases when the home plate umpire requires assistance on the call.




4.1 Normally if a team is going to be short of players for a game, it must try to make arrangements to pick up a player from the Rookie division. 


The Division Coordinators will assist in ensuring the players being called up are capable of playing safely at this level of baseball, and ensure that the same players are not always getting called up (allowing more players to gain the experience).

  • A called-up player may only play 3 games with any 1 team and 5 games maximum in a season.
  • A called-up player cannot pitch (when live pitching is in play).
  • Call ups must be capable of playing up in the minor level and will likely be 8 year olds rather than 7 year olds

4.2 Every effort must be made to call up a player when a team is below 11 players for any given game. A game shall be played if a team can field only 8 players. If a team has less than 8 players, the other team shall be awarded the win. The game should still be played with the winning team loaning players to the forfeiting team. The Division Coordinator will enforce this rule.


4.3 Managers should have at least one (1) practice per week. 


4.4 Managers must make 3 copies of the line-up.  Copies are distributed to the scorekeeper and the opposing Manager, while the Manager keeps one copy for his bench. Each manager’s line-ups must be presented to the scorekeeper at least 15 minutes before the game in order for the scorekeeper to properly prepare the score book.  Lineup MUST include first and last names of all players, managers and coaches.


4.5 Players shall bat through the order and in the order listed. 


4.6 After two weeks the batting order MUST remain the same. If a player is missing he/she MUST be entered back into the order in his/her original spot. At the end of the game note the last out from your team and start the next game with the next player in the batting order as your leadoff hitter. This will help ensure all player at bats are balanced during the course of the season. 


4.7 Players that do NOT attend practices or games without a reasonable excuse shall expect to play fewer innings as a disciplinary measure at the reasonable discretion of the coach.  Managers must inform the Coordinator of any problems with a player or a parent in which League action is required.


4.8 Players must play 12 of 18 innings (over a 3 game span) with equal infield and outfield play. Records must be kept for infield and outfield play, and this will be periodically checked by the Division Coordinator in order to facilitate conflict resolution with parents. Your division coordinator may ask for you to hand in your line up cards each week in order to ensure players are being evenly distributed in the infield and outfield.


4.9 Coaches and Managers must develop players at all positions for which they are reasonably suited, and will be at the Coaches and Managers discretion. 


4.10 Players may be re-entered freely into the game except pitchers may not re-enter the game as a pitcher.


4.11 In the course of the season, all players must have equal playing time.  In no game shall a player sit for consecutive innings or sit more than two innings.  A player that sits for 2 innings in one game shall sit only 1 inning in the next game. Again this is to ensure equal and fair playing time for all.


4.12 Pitching


    •  For the first four (4) weeks, the pitching machine will be used exclusively every inning by both teams. 
      • The pitching machine is to be operated by a coach or an experienced parent
      • The pitching machine should be at a distance of 40’ from the plate
      • The pitching machine should be set at a speed of between 5 & 7
    • The implementation of Live Pitching will begin in Week Five (5)
      • Inning one (1) will be live pitching
      • Pitchers may only pitch a maximum of one (1) inning per game
      • Innings two (2) and onwards will be with the pitching machine
      • Reassessment after week Six (6) by Coaches and Division Coordinator to determine if live pitching will extend past one (1) inning to have two (2) innings of live pitching for the remainder of the season
    •  Catchers warming up the pitchers must be in full protective gear at all times. When warming up pitchers in the bullpen area, another team member must be stationed facing the playing field, equipped with a glove and helmet to protect the pitcher and catcher from stray balls.  Coaches may warm up pitchers when a player is not ready or available (no protective gear is required for coaches).


4.13 Stealing Bases:

    • Stealing is not allowed when the pitching machine is being used.
    • Once Live Pitching is initiated, then stealing of 2nd and 3rd is allowed only after the pitched ball crosses home plate.
    • A player on 3rd may not steal home on a passed ball.
    • A delayed steal on a ball intended to be thrown by the catcher to pitcher is not allowed (play is dead).
    • A player may advance one base on a dead ball thrown out of play. 
    • After a walk, the batter may only advance to first base (he/she cannot steal second base prior to the next pitch).


4.14 Managers must agree to a rainout 45 minutes to 1 hour prior to game start time. 


4.15 MINOR A ONLY - Home field manager to inform Umpire-In-Chief of rainout 45 minutes prior to start time in order to notify umpires. At the field, if the Managers cannot agree and the umpires are present, the umpires decide. Every effort will be made to make-up games, and they will be arranged through the Division Coordinator. The Umpire-In-Chief must be notified of the date and time of the make-up game in order to arrange for umpires.  Rainouts must be made up unless otherwise determined by Division Coordinator.  One point will be awarded to each team for a rain out which cannot be made up.


4.16 The maximum number of coaches per team allowed inside the fence during game time is three. One coach to remain with the offensive team behind the portable net at all times.  The team can have an additional person that will be the slinger operator


4.17 The offensive team shall station two base coaches on the field during its time at bat, one in the first base coach’s box and one in the third base coach’s box.  A base coach shall be an adult manager or coach. An adult manager or coach is only permitted to occupy the first or third base coaches box if there is at least one other adult manager or coach in the dugout.


4.18 For everyone’s safety remind your players not to throw the bat. Warnings will be given from the umpires to players who throw the bat, multiple offenses can lead to an out called by the umpire (not the coaches or managers).


4.19 All equipment must be removed from the field during the game (ie. No leaving bats in the field, or hanging on the field side of fence).


4.20 Players are not to leave the field area for any reason without the permission of the nearest umpire. Players leaving the field, without permission, may be ejected from the game by the umpire.


4.21 The first batter in each inning may stand in the on deck circle. No other batter will be allowed on the field.  Little League International prohibits on deck batters until the Intermediate / Junior Division (Age 13-14).  


4.22 No new inning shall start after 1 ½ hours have elapsed in the game unless the game is tied, in which case the inning shall be played, weather and light conditions permitting.


4.23 Games will consist of a maximum of 6 innings.


4.24 The following is the run limits for games; 3 runs in the first 5 innings, the 6th or last inning (which can be the 5th inning if time is running out and it is agreed upon to be the last inning by both team managers) is an open inning.


4.25 League play within Coquitlam Little League is governed by Little League Canada rules. In any instance where a Little League Canada rule differs from the Little League Baseball (Williamsport) rule, the Canadian rule shall prevail.


4.26 House rules will prevail over Little League rules.

REMEMBER: The development of players in a fun environment is the purpose of our program!



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